Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ho Ho Ho, Who's the next to go?

The cliched "people always die in threes" myth has me wondering about who will join the Godfather of Soul and Agnew's Replacement President at the mortuary this month.

FppInternational's Prediction:

every Kurd's favorite turd,
the Killa' from Al Hillah,
Sadam Hussein.

By the way, doesn't it kinda look like these guys bought the same hat and, as time passed, it kinda fell apart. eventually becoming Sadam's hair?

Saturday, December 09, 2006

smell my finner

Just a nice pic from C.Davis today, taken at a downtown salsa joint in the wee small hours, which, I think, speaks for itself

Jaime Bond comes to Barranquilla



Bond, Jaime Bond makes his arrival at the cinemas in BQ, and not a moment too soon.

Truth be told, I am on a pretty impressive string of not bad movies.

Starting with Pierce Brosnan as a retired Jame's Bond type assassin in The Matador to Scorsese's bloody Departed, Chris Nolan's Wolverine vs. Batman, The Prestige and finishing with last night's viewing of the ass-kicking new Bond flick Casino Royale. Which, of course, will be the topic of my review.

First let me say, I never doubted Daniel Craig. The production pictures I saw online and the previews I watched online looked great and he seemed like a great choice. And in the movie, he kicks ass, in nearly every concieveable sense. He is big, bad, mean, gnarly, cold, and unstoppable. This is not your father's James Bond. This guy is not smooth; he is a beast. But he is still Bond, but a much more realistic and just bad Bond, (Bad in the Samuel L. Jackson sense).

GO SEE IT, so's we can discuss. couple things that seemed a little odd, or at least details to deal with...
1. It is long, and
2. our boy JB doesn't even get a BJ until over and hour and half into the film (what hell?)

but, aside from Jaime's lack of GIO (getting it on) and the length of the flick, the damn thing moves like a bull through a crowd of drunken and crippled pygmies, with possibly the best opening scene (acutally 2 opening scenes) of all the 21 films. And, speaking of what came before, this movie could not have been a better move away from the Uber-Crappy Die Another Day, with its ridiculous invisible cars, kite surfing, halle berry and diamond-faced korean baddies.

Anyway James Bond is back in a big way, and I couldn't be happier. I may make La Flaca go with me tonight to see it again

Saturday, December 02, 2006

wow, only four months

it's only been four months since my trusty minolta went tits up.
Anyway, I downloaded me (and you, with feeling) some pics from Chris Davis' computer to show the world. these are very frankcentric, but then, what the hell ain't?

so here're a couple photos from halloween.
la flaca and i tastefully opted for the "crocodile hunter vs. stingray" costumes

By the way, I built that damned stingray costume out of foam rubber, like some a "muppets gone wild"-type bullshit costume thing. At the end of the night, when the party was over, I purposely left it (purposely = drunkenly) on the ground, having no desire to carry it back to my apartment. I assume some poor Colombian children are now using it as a sled on some mountain of cocaine somewhere in the interior.

And these are some pics from todd's birthday. you may remember him from such blog posts as "Blast from the past", wherein he played the trumpet.

anyway, here we go, hope all is well, kisses, etc.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

the sublime and the necessary

I just discovered that exists. which means, of course, that our man in the UES has accomplished something pretty spectacular: his own eponymous .com thingy on the world wide web . So, for those of you scoring at home, as plato said, "A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men."

... of course, plato also like groping little boys, (mohney too)(lemme explain that: mohney also likes to grope little boys, not plato also groped mohney)

mohney was on CNN with some eggheads talking post-modern culture.

'bout time

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Oprah, take notes

Der Fraline showed me this video the other evening at a party.

As a global news-gathering entity, FPPInternational would not be doing its journalistic duty not to share.

It's in Dutch, but that doesn't really matter.
The topic of the show is "Medical Malpractice"
and the chap with the moustache had his testicles removed by mistake.

Have a great October

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

BQ goes Hollywood

OK, this post has nothing to do with Love In The Time Of Cholera, shooting in nearby Cartagena (Although, technically, the book is based here in BQ, although Garcia Marquez never actually says the name of the city, but he does refer to it as "the city on the Rio Magdalena," which makes it BQ, not Cartagena). No matter, cause Hollywood has brought BQ into the spotlight recently with both Michael Douglas' trip up Sutherland's Keifster The Sentinel and Michael Mann's Miami Vice having references to BQ. In MV, Crocket and Tubbs actually cross the Carribean to pay a visit.
Now, I haven't seen Miami Vice yet, but I am happy to report that in The Sentinel the "Barranquilla Cartel" is mentioned a minimum of five times. By the way this movie is crappy. Wow! Surprise.

Anyway, the best part of Mike's Douglaction flick is the fact that I was watching it amid the company of the cartel themselves, not unlike the time i caught the news about the Seattle Jack-in-the-Box EColi scare on a tv at a Jack-in-the-Box in Seattle.

so go rent "The Sentinel," and help MD pay for his viagra and have an Aguila everytime the cartel is mentioned.

By the way, as far as I can assertain, there is no "Barranquilla Cartel, " but I for one, am willing to begin building.
and this bonus pic is what first came up when i google image searched "sentinel"

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Along with gunpowder and chopsticks, something else to learn from the Chinese

Thank you, Yahoo! News for posting the best news headline I have seen in a long while:

China cracks down on striptease funerals

Here's an exerpt:

Strip shows have been commonly used to attract more mourners to funerals, as villagers believe a crowded send-off brings more honor to the deceased, Xinhua news agency said.

It just seems right, doesn't it?
Now, what with all that yuan up for grabs, I have two reasons to attend Chinese funerals. Act now, supplies limited.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Photos from Chris Davis. The Killing Fields

C.Davis, the Conga-King of Barranquilla got hisself a snazy little sommbitch of a camera, so he's camerizing and photographing silly shit. check out these here links and you will be in the running for a brand new set of snowman salt and pepper shakers or a new buick lasabre. Enter early, enter often.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Bowling with the Pins

I think this is pretty self-explanatory.

and Yes, that is a panda head stretched over the top of his bowling pin costume.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Blast from the Past

Alex der Frauline, Barranquilla's German princess sent FPPInternational a cd filled with pics from the most recent gig at Flashbacks, which was in the middle of June.
Der Frauline takes better pics than the paid photogs at FPPInternational, so why not post 'em.

Included here are Erica, my co-worker, and I rocking out to a Madonna tune.

Der Frauline with La Mona Alta and the singer for The WifeBeaters, Adele.

FPP with Palanges, a true frankothon.

An addition of some note, to the band, is Todd, our vermonter Trumpeteer, who is like The Rocketeer sans Jennifer Connelly.

I have very little to add other than we (the WifeBeaters) have also recently purchased a violin (which is similar to a fiddle, as I understand it) player, which means we'll finally be able to play "Come on Eileen," the song, not the game.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Secret Mel Gibson - Hezollah link

Mel has been working for Hezbollah. Saddam recently linked info that he personally advised Mel in how to properly grow a good "jew-hater" (that's the offical beard of Hezbollah and other parties). FPPInternational's team of crack reporters located the email from Mel to Saddam (both parties were in jail at the time; Mel's cell had Evian and Wi-Fi) which read:

thanks 4 the info. "j-h" coming in nicely. striped like yrs. I will let HEZ. know to send some rockets south. hope all is well in jail. here it's not too bad.



Floyd's keeping up his end

Floyd Landis, this year's miraculous winner of the Tour de France has again tested positive for steroids. Hmmmmmm. His reaction is to appeal the decision. Of course. I think that congratulatory phone call from the white house included more than just a "nice win, floyd. you sure look svelte in that green bike racing suit." I guess the powers that be in washington counseled our 'roid floyd on how to handle pesky little problems like being found out. Deny it, baby. say it was a beer. say that spanish sonofabitch had a weapon of mass destruction up his ass. say you produce artificial steroids naturally. say you are a mutant crimfighter (that would explain the suit). say anything, it doesn't matter. no one is held accountable for lying anymore. Our 'Roid Floyd, getting at a zit. FPPinternational's advice, "turn your fucking cap around, Floyd!"

btw floyd. if that beer thing works, how come i am pretty sure I am not going to be kicking any athletic ass this morning (this morning being saturday, last night being friday)? I drank my beer last night!

Friday, August 04, 2006

The End of Summer

Since I got a new coconut monkey and a bookcase, I suppose it can be extrapolated that I made it back home after being away for a month or so (35 grueling days). And nothing makes the experince more Grueling than airports. I hate nearly all of them, none more than Chicago's O'Hare. From June 20th to July 25th, I spent significant time in BAQ (twice), MIA (twice), DIA, SEA (twice), ORD (nine hateful hours), and YYZ (twice). First of all, I would think a city the size of Toronto could get a better code, but I guess you can't have that tall pointy thing, the sky-dome AND an easy airport code. So I spent a lot of time in airports, I read a bunch [a Johnny Cash bio, a Bukowski novel (Post Office) and a bio of Ghengis Khan], and I watched a bunch of TV on my computer. Computers have now made airports (even Chicago's) bearable. But only because Deadwood exists. I am not a fan of the TV. I think it is generally really fucking stupid, and I don't own one and haven't really watched the thing with any regularity since Monica Lewinsky was the main news story. And when I do see what other people watch on it, I do not miss the idiocy of the thing, (although I am often drawn to the damn thing like a mosquito.) I have never seen a minute of the Sopranos, nor American Idol, nor Survivor, and have promised to aviod them like the plague. But I have seen Deadwood, as a matter of fact I just finished the second season and if all of TV were as good as this stuff, I would sleep with the damn machine. And although it may not be the best thing to watch with your grandmother (unless she like hearing the words "cocksucker" and "cunt" alot), it is without a doubt the best goddamn cocksucker of a show i have ever seen. All I want to do now is grow up to be an Al Swearengen stooge: get slapped around, cut people's throats, drink whiskey for breakfast, and shout the most outlandishly perfect lines of dialogue that have ever been written for TV. Bonanza times The Godfather plus MacBeth times a porno movie, how could you not love this fucking cocksucker?

Home Improvements

I finally got back to BQ to discover that La Flaca had purchased me the two gifts that refusing to stop giving: a coconut monkey and a negrita nalgona. Placing them amongst my mess produced objections about how I live in a state of disorden (disorder, messiness) (and I had only been in country for an hour and a half or so.) Be that as it may, I decided to build a bookcase, even though my cache of books is right pitiful. Nonetheless, I took some measurements, made some drawings and took a trip to Home Center and purchased me some pine, screws, varnish, and got to sticking stuff together.

I chose to basically build the thing in two parts and stick the two parts together, which worked out pretty well. My favorite part of this is that the picture of the two parts has funky lines in it, which I will interpret for you. These lines signify that FPP's trusty Minolta Dimage finally crapped the hell out, as far as I can tell, forever, and has become a piece of useless tin with PrintClub photos on it. So the last couple pics are from the Panasonic camcorder, which does not capture quite the pics that the minolta did, but at least the little lights start a-glowing when i hit the "on" button.
Life goes on for everyone except el Minolta. So things got all screwed together and the stuff has started getting sorted out on the bookcase. If you have any suggestions as to what a civilized person puts on a bookcase lemme know.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hoh Hoh Hoh


Just got home from the Hoh River on the Olympic Penninsula. This is a river in the rain forest. It did not rain.

Strando, Chili, The Weatherman and I spent three days camping along the river, which was extremely fucking cold.

Although it wasn't completely eventless (I did do a faceplant hiking in when my boot laces caught on a foot bridge. We were crossing a stream at the time), for the most part, thanks to Weathe's knowledge of weather, and lots of Advil, it was a perfect trip.

On Friday morning, I was ready to roll, and had had all my junk packed, half of which i left at Strand's house, including my camera, so, with handy ten-dollar disposable camera in hand, we did the Hoh.

El Strando was kind enough to take the above pics, which I will supplement with real live analog pictures (photographs, i think they are called) when I get them back from the store. Until then the breathtaking photography of El Strando is available here.

Happy 25th of June (diez meses, wow!), only 3 more shopping days til my birthday, so get your asses in gear.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Birthdays galore, monkey, heads of bread

eventually we will all have our birthdays moved to june.

Henry, La Flaca and i have already been recruited by this most cumpleanary month, so we been celebrating birthdays here.

and finishing work at the school

and getting rained on

so, i been really busy, too busy, one might say, to post any blogs, until now.

as i get ready to leave bq for a month (seattle bound i am), I figger I better stick some pics of my lovely self up here where they can be enjoyed by la gente (that means all of you, the universe, i care for you all, almost as much as zztop)

anyway, enough of that silliness...

here are la flaca and her amigas sharing a giant turquoise colored drink at Boobs. Yes, Boobs is really the name of a bar here, where there's none of that clever, toying with language like with "Hooters," which some of you may not realize isn't only the name for owls but also a term for womens' Ta-tas. This in one of the subleties of language that we here at FppInternational take the time to research and uncover; FppInternational is an educational and linguistic think tank, afterall. So, here's the chicks at boobs.

I finally located my long lost, seperated-at-birth twin brother loaf of bread. don't we both just look just delicious?

Also, what could be more charming than an afternoon at the barranquilla zoo?
Not a goddamn thing!

I remember reading that of all the primates, humans are the ones that have the largest percent of their bodymass dedicated to male genitalia, well, at least male humans, I don't think this statistic applies to women or them freaky folks who got everything (by this I don't mean a yacht and a vacation home in the lakes region, but like everything in the sense that they got weewees and coochies both and star in weird porno movies with midgets). Either way, we got the biggest dinguses, according to the internet (which is a valuable sourse of information that can be accessed in your home, via telephone/cable wires), which leaves these two losers in the schlong department contemplating their genetic bad luck.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

When the green people tell you to leave, get gone.

Conga-master Chris Davis alerted me to this article in the NY Times, another side of Colombia.

No one has come out of the jungle to knock on my door as of late, but you never know, i am keeping my hopes alive.

hmmmmm. link broken. fpp confused. copy. paste.

from the NY TIMES:

SAN JOSÉ DEL GUAVIARE, Colombia — Since time immemorial the Nukak-Makú have lived a Stone Age life, roaming across hundreds of miles of isolated and pristine Amazon jungle, killing monkeys with blowguns and scouring the forest floor for berries.

Luca Zanetti

But recently, and rather mysteriously, a group of nearly 80 wandered out of the wilderness, half-naked, a gaggle of children and pet monkeys in tow, and declared themselves ready to join the modern world.
"We do not want to go back," explained one man, who uses the sole name Ma-be, and who arrived with the others at this outpost in southern Colombia in March. "We want to stay near town. We can plant our own food. In the meantime the town can help us."
Audio & Photos: Caught Between Worlds

While it is not known for sure why they left the jungle, what is abundantly clear is that the Nukak's experience as nomads and hunter-gatherers has left them wholly unprepared for the world they have just entered.

The Nukak have no concept of money, of property, of the role of government, or even of the existence of a country called Colombia. They ask whether the planes that fly overhead are moving on some sort of invisible road.

They have no government identification cards, making them nonentities to Colombia's bureaucracy.

"The Nukak don't know what they've gotten themselves into," said Dr. Javier Maldonado, 27, a physician who has been working with them.

When asked if the Nukak were concerned about the future, Belisario, the only one in the group who had been to the outside world before and spoke Spanish, seemed perplexed, less by the word than by the concept. "The future," he said, "what's that?" He serves as a interpreter for the others. One of perhaps a few dozen indigenous communities living in relative seclusion in the Amazon basin, the Nukak have, in dribs and drabs, gone beyond the borders of their jungle world only since 1988, just as the world has intermittently found them.

In 2003 dozens of Nukak left the wilderness and arrived at San José del Guaviare, saying Colombia's relentless civil war had encroached on their reserve and forced them to seek safety. Perhaps as many as 250 now live in settlements around the town, about as many as anthropologists suspect are still alive in the wilderness.

In recent years Nukak clans in the jungle have also had some contact with missionaries and with farmers and sedentary indigenous groups, who trade their crops for meat hunted by the Nukak, who picked up at least the notion of agriculture.

Though it is unclear how big the Nukak population once was, anthropologists believe that what little contact the Nukak have had with outsiders has most likely left them reduced by Western diseases, including influenza and the common cold, to which they have no natural defenses.

Janet Chernela, an anthropologist who has worked with the Nukak, said a study she had conducted showed that Nukak who abandon their nomadic lives and settle down, even temporarily, become susceptible to illnesses, including soil-transmitted diseases.

What little is known about this latest group is that it abandoned the Nukak National Park, which is nearly half the size of New Jersey, in the state of Guaviare. Belisario — who knows several of the towns outside the reserve, having been reared for part of his childhood by settlers who encroached on the jungle — led the way.

It was no easy journey, the Nukak told Dr. Maldonado, spanning nearly 200 miles from the eastern end of their reserve to this town, known locally as San José. They arrived in the central plaza malnourished and exhausted, as astonished by this world of low-slung jungle buildings, jeeps and paved roads as the townspeople here were astonished by them.

"When I've had some time to talk to them and asked where they came from, they just say 'the bush,' " said Xismena Martínez, who oversees aid to the Nukak for San José. "But that could mean anywhere."

The newly arrived Nukak do not provide much detail about why they left. They just say that "the Green Nukak," a possible reference to Marxist guerrillas, who wear camouflage, told them to leave.

"The Green Nukak said we could not keep walking in the jungle, or else there would be problems," explained Va-di, another Nukak man, whose words were translated from Nukak by Belisario. "The Green Nukak told us to go where it is safe."

Colombian officials wonder if farmers growing coca, the crop used to make cocaine, may also have displaced the Nukak, who are peaceloving and unlikely to fight. Another theory is that another Nukak clan pushed this one out.

But because it is assumed that they fled the civil war, the Nukak are classified as displaced people, requiring the state to provide aid and help them return home, as long as it is safe. The government, though, cannot guarantee their safety.

Nor can officials force them to go back. So the town and the government are providing them food and clothing in a forest clearing called Aguabonita outside San José.

"We can't say, 'You're a Nukak, go back to the bush,' " said Ramón Rodríguez, who is overseeing assistance efforts from the central government's emergency aid organization, Social Action.

But even as the aid arrives, the donors are well aware that the largess could well doom the Nukak to a life of dependency, ensuring not only that they never return home but also that they never learn how to live in their new world.

"People want to protect them," Ms. Martínez said. "To help them, we give them food and clothes. That doesn't help them at all in the long term."

What everyone agrees on is that the Nukak of Aguabonita must avoid the fate of the Nukak who came here in 2003 and now live in a clearing called Barrancón.

Now in their fourth year in the area, the Nukak in Barrancón lead listless lives, lolling in their hammocks awaiting food from the state. They do not work, nor have they learned Spanish. They also have no plans to return to the forest. "I think we will be here always," said Martín, a young man who is considered a leader.

In Aguabonita, the scene on a recent day was full of commotion and laughter. Naked children tugged at the shirts of two foreign journalists, offering big smiles and hugs. The men quickly welcomed the visitors into a makeshift shelter, where they laughed at some of the questions and, it seemed, wholly innocently at their own odd predicament.

Are they sad? "No!" cried a Nukak named Pia-pe, to howls of laughter. In fact, the Nukak said they could not be happier. Used to long marches in search of food, they are amazed that strangers would bring them sustenance — free.

What do they like most? "Pots, pants, shoes, caps," said Mau-ro, a young man who went to a shelter to speak to two visitors.

Ma-be added, "Rice, sugar, oil, flour." Others said they loved skillets. Also high on the list were eggs and onions, matches and soap and certain other of life's necessities.

"I like the women very much," Pia-pe said, to raucous laughs.

One young Nukak mother, Bachanede, breast-feeding her infant as she talked, said she was happy just to stay still. "When you walk in the jungle," she said, "your feet hurt a lot."

The men still go into the jungle, searching for monkeys, a delicacy the Nukak cannot seem to live without. The women still spend their time carefully weaving intricate wristbands and hammocks, using threads from palm leaves.

All live in shelters now, enjoy constant medical attention and, on weekends, stroll into town to take in the sights. "Nukak life is hard in the jungle," Dr. Maldonado said. "You wake up thinking about food and you go hunt, you go search for nuts. So when they see us they think their food problems are over."

That is not to say the Nukak do not have plans.

Ma-be explained that the idea is to grow plantains and yucca and take the crops to town. "We can exchange it for money," he said, "and exchange the money for other things."

But first they need to learn how to cultivate crops. The Nukak say they would like their children to go to school. They also say they do not want to lose traditions, like hunting or speaking their language. "We do want to join the white family," Pia-pe said, speaking of Colombian society, "but we do not want to forget words of the Nukak."

After a recent meeting with government officials, the Nukak were clear about what else they wanted: vehicles, drivers and doctors so a group of 15 Nukak could set off on a tour of the countryside, searching for a spot to settle down.

They do not ask for much — land to plant, preferably close to a town but also on the edge of a forest. They do not want armed men around, nor coca, they say.

"They will look to see if there are nuts, monkeys, water," said Ms. Rodríguez, the town official handling the latest request. "If they find it, then, yes, that's the spot."

Here's my favorite photo and caption:
Monkeys are a delicacy the Nukak-Makú cannot seem to live without. They are grilled, dismembered and boiled, then eaten piece by piece.

Monday, May 01, 2006

How I Feel and Why

A wall in BQ says it all...
Considering today's topic, that title could be construed in more ways than one.

Regardless of how you want to deal with it, lemme explain matters to the viewers at home.
In case you don't speak spanish here's the lowdown:

physical and mental exhaustion, headaches, nervous disorders, loss of sleep, premature ejaculation, impotence and (this one is less easy to translate) speeded-up aging
Come on in and we will teach you healthy and concientous sex for better health, more vitality and a prolonged youth.

Sounds good to me.
Happy May Day, Keep your hands off yourself, for health.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Lazy Lazy Lazy, plus Video

Although not as weak as March, April has not proved to be a strong FPPInternational month, for posting blogs. However, I wanna end it with a bang, so I have included a couple pics and a vid (that's right you techno-freaks, FPPInternational has moved into the 22nd century here, now with video and live chat, where I am willing, ready and able to fulfill your every desire). Hold on tight kiddies.

I hope these pics demonstrate why I haven't been posting in a while. Some Colombian dudes at the beach in their underwear and my very unshaved jowl while playing dominoes. Photography at its best

Just for kicks here is a video from Japan, a couple years ago, when FPPInternational was THE major peacekeeping force in the land of the rising sun.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Wildlife (Farm Fun)

In Spanish "la finca" means "the farm" and during spring break I spent a day at the finca of a friend from work. It was to be a nice diversion from the rigors of spring break. It was very charming to get away from BQ for a while and enjoy the flora and fauna. There was a catch however. In the interest of science, I have decided to document the changes my face goes through as I drink shots of rum [Which these first two pics should illustrate without me having to post the particularly embarrasing ones].

So, the finca seemed the perfect spot to try this. Paper and pen were produced, rum was served, pics were taken. Eventually all the raw data was lost and I fell asleep on the porch at la finca, after cutting my head on a lump of ice, chasing some chickens around and making a complete ass of myself.

There were lotsa animals at "la finca" including parrots that will open your beer for you and a bunch of dogs that are reinventing "doggy style."

No matter how you shake the stick, you can't have more fun than farm fun, and while I prepare to head back to work, have yourselves a merry little Easter.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

So, Why Colombia, you ask?

Just a quick link today to help illuminate y'all to the beautiful environs of Roy H Mann, Mill Basin, Brooklyn, NY, which I left in July, only to travel to the second most dangerous country in the western hemisphere.

hope this clears things up.
thanks for the link, DS. Man, do I miss going to work in NY. (this is sarcasm)

plus a pic from my balcony, some flowerguy.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Back in the Saddle

I suppose the only thing I can say is I stopped taking pictures after the carnivals. Which is more or less true. That, and my schedule got a tad busy. But spring break has broken and I have time on my hands and my handy little digital camera. News: In the past thirty-five days I have done a lot of guitar playing, gigs at the Flashback again, with Chris and a bevy of singing girls (well, two).

The success of the shows was mixed, but I did get to play some Johnny Cash, which went over like a turd in a microwave oven. I also grew a bitchin moustache, which I recently shaved off my face and into the sink and toilet. I also played with a band of tenth graders at the School's "family day" celebration. This was really quite fun, except that my mic, although it came through the monitors, was not anywhere on the mains (Translation: it sounded on stage like my mic was perfect, but to the crowd, I was only mouthing the words and no sound came out). So much for a shitload of technological boo-ha.