I suppose the only thing I can say is I stopped taking pictures after the carnivals. Which is more or less true. That, and my schedule got a tad busy. But spring break has broken and I have time on my hands and my handy little digital camera. News: In the past thirty-five days I have done a lot of guitar playing, gigs at the Flashback again, with Chris and a bevy of singing girls (well, two).

The success of the shows was mixed, but I did get to play some Johnny Cash, which went over like a turd in a microwave oven. I also grew a bitchin moustache, which I recently shaved off my face and into the sink and toilet. I also played with a band of tenth graders at the School's "family day" celebration. This was really quite fun, except that my mic, although it came through the monitors, was not anywhere on the mains (Translation: it sounded on stage like my mic was perfect, but to the crowd, I was only mouthing the words and no sound came out). So much for a shitload of technological boo-ha.

Oh shit, you're alive? I cashed in that insurance policy...you might have some trouble getting back into the country. Sorry about that.
You mean I could have returned?
Fuck. Why didn't you tell me. I thought I was a wanted man. I'll meet you at the swamp at 8:55
Oh, you're wanted alright.
Make it 9:00 at the Quarterhorse.
What religion or reason
Could drive a man to forsake his lover
Dont you tell me no
Dont you tell me no
Dont you tell me no
Dont you tell me no
Soul, I hear you calling
Oh baby please give a little respect to me
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