Monday, August 07, 2006

Blast from the Past

Alex der Frauline, Barranquilla's German princess sent FPPInternational a cd filled with pics from the most recent gig at Flashbacks, which was in the middle of June.
Der Frauline takes better pics than the paid photogs at FPPInternational, so why not post 'em.

Included here are Erica, my co-worker, and I rocking out to a Madonna tune.

Der Frauline with La Mona Alta and the singer for The WifeBeaters, Adele.

FPP with Palanges, a true frankothon.

An addition of some note, to the band, is Todd, our vermonter Trumpeteer, who is like The Rocketeer sans Jennifer Connelly.

I have very little to add other than we (the WifeBeaters) have also recently purchased a violin (which is similar to a fiddle, as I understand it) player, which means we'll finally be able to play "Come on Eileen," the song, not the game.

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