Henry, La Flaca and i have already been recruited by this most cumpleanary month, so we been celebrating birthdays here.
and finishing work at the school
and getting rained on
so, i been really busy, too busy, one might say, to post any blogs, until now.
as i get ready to leave bq for a month (seattle bound i am), I figger I better stick some pics of my lovely self up here where they can be enjoyed by la gente (that means all of you, the universe, i care for you all, almost as much as zztop)
anyway, enough of that silliness...
here are la flaca and her amigas sharing a giant turquoise colored drink at Boobs. Yes, Boobs is really the name of a bar here, where there's none of that clever, toying with language like with "Hooters," which some of you may not realize isn't only the name for owls but also a term for womens' Ta-tas. This in one of the subleties of language that we here at FppInternational take the time to research and uncover; FppInternational is an educational and linguistic think tank, afterall. So, here's the chicks at boobs.

I finally located my long lost, seperated-at-birth twin brother loaf of bread. don't we both just look just delicious?

Also, what could be more charming than an afternoon at the barranquilla zoo?
Not a goddamn thing!
I remember reading that of all the primates, humans are the ones that have the largest percent of their bodymass dedicated to male genitalia, well, at least male humans, I don't think this statistic applies to women or them freaky folks who got everything (by this I don't mean a yacht and a vacation home in the lakes region, but like everything in the sense that they got weewees and coochies both and star in weird porno movies with midgets). Either way, we got the biggest dinguses, according to the internet (which is a valuable sourse of information that can be accessed in your home, via telephone/cable wires), which leaves these two losers in the schlong department contemplating their genetic bad luck.

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