Bond, Jaime Bond makes his arrival at the cinemas in BQ, and not a moment too soon.
Truth be told, I am on a pretty impressive string of not bad movies.
Starting with Pierce Brosnan as a retired Jame's Bond type assassin in The Matador to Scorsese's bloody Departed, Chris Nolan's Wolverine vs. Batman, The Prestige and finishing with last night's viewing of the ass-kicking new Bond flick Casino Royale. Which, of course, will be the topic of my review.
First let me say, I never doubted Daniel Craig. The production pictures I saw online and the previews I watched online looked great and he seemed like a great choice. And in the movie, he kicks ass, in nearly every concieveable sense. He is big, bad, mean, gnarly, cold, and unstoppable. This is not your father's James Bond. This guy is not smooth; he is a beast. But he is still Bond, but a much more realistic and just bad Bond, (Bad in the Samuel L. Jackson sense).
GO SEE IT, so's we can discuss. couple things that seemed a little odd, or at least details to deal with...
1. It is long, and
2. our boy JB doesn't even get a BJ until over and hour and half into the film (what hell?)
but, aside from Jaime's lack of GIO (getting it on) and the length of the flick, the damn thing moves like a bull through a crowd of drunken and crippled pygmies, with possibly the best opening scene (acutally 2 opening scenes) of all the 21 films. And, speaking of what came before, this movie could not have been a better move away from the Uber-Crappy Die Another Day, with its ridiculous invisible cars, kite surfing, halle berry and diamond-faced korean baddies.

Anyway James Bond is back in a big way, and I couldn't be happier. I may make La Flaca go with me tonight to see it again
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