Doing Fine

Red Text today to highlight the commies and their propaganda.
A good friend, and
all around fine human being, who shall remain nameless, even though he's Canadian, went to Cuba and took some pics of the fine state of affairs in that fine state, as it crumbles, slowly, into the sea. As I have little information on this caribbean island I will just give what I can remember from Jacques' stories, however, I will maintain that the Cubans are all evil, and that their country is a dirty, disgusting cesspool, lest Dick Cheney and his little pal George W. find it in their hearts to throw me in jail for treason.
Anyway, there are far too many tourists in Cuba, poverty is like a red badge of courage, and the young people seem to basically be waiting for the impending wave of western-style big business fun to innundate the island with casinos, hotels, topless dancing shows, and greenbacks. Nobody works too hard, except the hookers, and the guys who come up with the government posters with slogans like, "We're doing fine!"
Fuckin-A FPP, Cuba? How were the cigars? Did you get free health care? You secret is safe unless, somehow... this internet thingy can be viewed by....anyone. I mean, y'know if someone can use TheGoogle then you're busted.
Good to see you're safe, for now.
I mean, good to see your friend is safe. Yeah.
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