Thursday, July 26, 2007

I forgot Canada (I am sure I am not the first)

Nico, Ben, Lana, Gavin

I forgot to mention that I spent a very wet couple days on two wheels (both motorized and pedalized) in Vancouver with some Henna Gaijin from my Kyoto-Fu days. And, except for having my thumb nearly torn off by Ben and getting absolutely drenched on the Kawi, I had a great time. Gavin and Lana put me up and Gav. showed me why people say Vancouver is prettier than Seattle (people are right, by the way; it's not even a contest). Anyway, the Canadians treated me nice, and I escaped with ten fingers and toes (they were taken from me at the border) and a fancy bright yellow motorbike rain suit, in which I look uber-sexy. It was a rocking good time, eh? So good I blocked it out of my memory.

Canuck kisses,


Bildo said...

Anonymous said...

good God you need to write more often on here Fred! Get off the babysitter and write blogs. Or leave a clue someplace as to how to email your dumb ass~!

FppInternational said...

to email my dumb ass simply email me at or one of the other depots of email fun that I use. BTW I am checking to see if I can get mushrooms to grow on this thing, so i am keeping it in a cool, dark, quiet place.