This year however, in an attempt to free ourselves (our fat-assed-middle-aged-selves, that is) from the constraints of traveling on single track hiking paths, opted to make a first ever Bastardes Amores canoe trip up Ross Lake, from where escape into Canada is not only possible, but encouraged.
The canoe trip was a complete success with not one craft flipping nor sinking in the lake, and not one elderly shoulder exploding after three days of paddling.
An ascent to the top of Desolation Peak was also on the menu and middle-aged, fat-assed quadriceps proved adequate, if not optimal for the elevation gain.
No liquidy-chilly deaths recorded, the Bastardes make the trip back home, where BQ-pal and Texas-Adventure-Tourer CDveston was waiting on his big BMW.
A stop in Deutsch-themed small-town Washington hamlet Leavenworth was made for Brats and Biers, after learning about Sir Thomas Crappers massive contributions to Seattle's early days.
After gullets were filled with fine German fare, the drive continued, reuniting LaFlaca with her Dinky and all was right with the universe again. Smooth sailing.
For the first time, FPPInternational wishes all its readers greetings from the final stop of the trip, Seattle, WA.
Things thusfar, oddly enough, have been relatively slow. Although trips have been made all over the state, nothing of major importance has occurred. Such is the nature of vacation time, one could suppose. The dedicated journalists at FPPInternational, however, know that the truth never takes a holiday.
Upon arrival in the Emerald City, FppPals Ross and Sarah threw a BBQ for the newly arrived Colombian contingency, replete with ribs, wienies, children and dogs.
On the telecommunications front, FPPInternational has finally entered the last millennium, having purchased a DroidPhone, which does more by nine o'clock AM than anyone else in the organization does all damn day. As a matter of fact, DroidPhone is responsible for editing this post. So, plans are being made, futures organized and fates unified. So, until more photos are taken, keep your ears clean, wear a jacket and look both ways before crossing the road. Ciao for Now! FPP