Ah, Carnival season.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the... . scratch that. It wasn't the age of wisdom at all, foolishness reigned, as always.
The combined forces of NEWSCORP. CIA, went out into the world last night to witness the BQ Carnaval (Carnival, for you english speakers) in all its splendor last night. The Guacherna rolled through the streets on greasy, sausage-lubricated wheels, only to disrail the hopes and dreams of a people.

What basically happened was this. Fpp & La Flaca went out to 44th street to find a nice place with relatively good visibility to watch the last of the pre-carnival, carival parades. We found a spot that seemed adequate. I was more than wary, though, about the middle aged folks directly in front of us, with the shiny shirts and little plastic shot glasses hanging from their necks. I was wise to be wary, as, basically as soon as we sat down, they began shooting 'spuma' at everyone around them. 'Spuma' being some sorta relatively new, personal assault device flown in from china. it's basically foamy soap of some sort in an aerosol can that you spray on people around you, like silly-string but soap, which can build up quite thickly (see pic from three years ago, below)

Anyway, as soon as we sat down, this shit started flying all around us, and we suffered through about three and a half hours of this foolishness before calling it a night. Once again the folks of BQ proved they know how to rock. Carnaval here, at times, seems to me to be only barely holding on to a semblance of whatever Carnaval originally was supposed to be. Now, instead, it is merely an excuse to fuck with everyone around you, for absolutely no reason. An opportunity for the little boy in all of to come out and establish his presence. The problem is this little boy likes to light cats on fire.
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