Carnivals are finally fully upon us, and I get a nice four-day weekend.
To kick things off, Friday night we had the long-anticipated moustache showdown.
When the kids from Santa Marta walked through the door to compete, I knew my chances were slimmer than Iggy Pop.
The fertile soil of Departamento Magdalena grows some fierce 'staches!

Luckily for the local boys, Style and Presentation points counted, and although I didn't place anywhere near the hardware, local pimp T-Norm, kept the gold in BQ for at least another year. I am happy to report that although I recieved no where near the number of votes i needed for third place, I was pelted with a bra during my presentation, a bra that was not thrown by my wife. so the Sam Elliot look, although not a prize winner, is still a fave with the honeys.

So, that ended all right. Then comes the first Major Carnival Parade the Batalle de Flores. That's right, the battle of the flowers. None of us has any idea what that means.

The gringoes purchased enough tickets to occupy three mini-placos down on via Cuarenta and started purchasing water and beer in the oppressive heat. the fun just came to us. Nothing too crazy happened, although we almost got into a fight with a whole passel of folks over some rum. Man, sobriety is wasted on the sober. No one was killed, no one was maimed, everyone walked home alive and dragging ass. Tomorrow is the third parade, the Fantasia (which I hope I don't have to translate) and more posts to follow. Until then, this if Fpp of NewsCorp, saying, Stay cool.