In order to remind ourselves and others in our vicinity that we are not talented, a group of gringoes got together and created the most recent incarnation of a country-disco band, this time called "Leslie, All Up In Your Grill." Although imortalized by the name of the band, Leslie declined to play bass in her clingy, wet, white wife-beater, opting instead to go to Medellin. I consider this a smart move. Anyway, we played some tunes poorly, and drank some cocktails heroicly, and another wednesday passed into history, much like the wednesday when John Wilkes Boothe got himself ejected from the Local 431 Barber's Union, and was subsequently forced to try his hand at acting and anarchy and shooting tall presidents in the noggin.

fpp: are you passing a kidney stone in that photo? And are those fucking pants pleated?! Please god, say no! And where's the love?!!!
Poster is great! Too bad no talent to complement great style. (kidding - anyone can get drunk enough to enjoy your music)
I'm going to Costa Rica in Feb and tried to get a stop in Colombia, but was unable to get tickets, nothing available, at least with air miles anyway. I did try. Bummer.
That was the greatest band featuring congas, acoustic guitars, harmonica, trumpet, and folkloric drums to hit Barranquilla ever! Reunion Tour 2008! The whole band should wear pleated kakis tight rolled 80's style, wife beaters, and goaties.
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