I want to embrace technology, but it keeps slapping at my hands and hollering "sober up." My weak attempt at blogging has thus far been indeed demonstative of my lack of dedication to anything technological. Be that as it may, I recently made a little voyage to the deep dark of the fishing village of Tangaga and have virtually nothing to report. The skies were blue. The sea was clean.
I forgot my camera when i went snorkeling, but here are some photos anyway, to let you know what Taganga looks like, in case you have to demonstrate some sort of Tagangan knowledge in your next cocktail conversation ("Oh, of course I have spent some time in Taganga, the Colombian fishing village [remember to always pronounce Colombia with two O's and no U's, if you make this mistake the heinous bastards will know you are lying and throw his/her Cosmopolitan in your face, or worse, a mint Julep] fifteen minutes from Santa Marta, frequented by hippies and yelping street dogs.)
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