Thursday, April 07, 2011

Birth of a Nation

ABC News recently reported that Donald Trump, yeah, that Donald Trump, is tied for second place in polls of potential Republican voters of whom they would like to see as their 2012 presidential candidate.

Just when you thought the right was getting a touch less touched with the removal of Glenn Beck's show from FOXNews, ABC New reports that Donald Trump is a serious Preidential hopeful, with a full 8 percent lead over the bat-shit crazy yardstick Sarah Palin, and an eleven percent lead over the CooCoo for Cocoa Puffs bird.
His entire platform seems to be, "I haven't seen Obama's birth certificate, so he's from Kenya."

I have never seen my own original fucking birth certificate, I don't think.
If I have, I doubt it had "religion" on it. Big Don's claim is that Barack Hussein Obama's original Kenyan Birth certificate says stuff like Muslim and Socialist on it, and he (President Obama) sure as shit doesn't want anyone to see that incriminating evidence of his potential malfeasance. What does The Donald's birth certificate say, Philanderer and Douche-bag?

By the way, in an effort to stick partisan politics up everyone's ass as hard as they can, the Republicans are threatening to shut down the government. Fine, you shits, shut down your half, Shut down the bullshit protection of insurance companies and HMO's; shut down the protection of corporations, the gun lobby, the oil lobby, shut down the shitbirds that want to drill for oil in national parks, shut down Leo Berman's big fucking hats government supply shop, take away John Boehner's key to the tanning bed and the liquor cabinet. Shut down all your whining cause you got beat in 2008 in an election that wasn't close enough to steal.

How can anyone take these cartoon character schmucks seriously?
Either they are repeating the most pandering, idiotic horseshit they can, in order to sway the common denominator for purely political reasons (Trump, Boehner), or they are really dumb enough to believe the crap they're spewing (Berman, Beck). Either way, stop embracing idiocy. With all the shit going on in the world in early 2011, is there anyone who just wants to focus on solving the real problems facing us.

Oh, yeah, I forgot, he's a Heathen Communist Muslim engineered in a genetics lab near Lake Baikal, then sent to Hawaii (closest state to Russia that isn't Alaska, which is patrolled by the Palin family with guns and fishing boats) to be elected president and one day destroy the USA by getting poor people access to medicine.

A Haiku:
If persuading dolts
to believe lies was hard work,
Rush wouldn't be so fat.

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