Madoff Goes to Jail After Guilty Pleas to All Charges
When Bernard L. Maddoff entered a federal courtroom in Manhattan on Thursday to admit that he ran a vast Ponzi scheme that robbed thousands of investors of their life savings, he was as elegantly dressed as ever. But, preparing for jail, he wore no wedding ring — only the shadowy imprint remained of one he has worn for nearly 50 years.
Let broke investors take turns.
Kill by paper cuts.
By the way, it seems Gordon Gecko was wrong, greed don't seem so good anymore.
From National Geographic News.
Seems that the folks aboard in ISS (international space station) had to evacuate in order to avoid some space junk about half and inch in diameter, which, traveling at 25,000 miles per hour or so, would make a pretty mess.

March 12, 2009
International Space Station crew members put the station on autopilot and evacuated to a space "life raft" briefly on Thursday to escape bombardment by a shower of debris.
In the end, the debris passed the space station without incident. But the evacuation provided a rare test of one of the plans to get the crew to safety if the station is struck.Imagine, billions
gone if a coconut-size
thing happened along.
1 comment:
Thanks a lot Frank. There go my dreams of living in space.
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