Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lebron James Promises 'Next Year.'

Lebron James promises to continue his drive towards excellence.
Vows to be even bigger douche-bag next year.

Monday, June 06, 2011

The Art of Idiocy

While my favorite Congressman tries to pull himself out of a rock and a hard-place, one of my least favorite uhhhhh whatever-the-fuck-she-is, not only makes a massive show of her complete ignorance and lack of education, she later DEFENDS that complete lack of knowledge.

Even Faux News called her on it. And she still CANNOT admit to getting it wrong. How fucking stupid are the people who support this woman? She is as dumb as a human being can be without having her heart stop when she sleeps.

How can anyone watch her talk and try to explain anything, without wondering whether or not she's off some kind of medication. She's a fucking idiot. Whichever one of her kids has Down syndrome should consider himself lucky that's all he's got. REALLY. Folks with Down syndrome can still be functional, useful members of society. Whatever is wrong with her is absolute societal cancer.

Damned Weiner

I thought for sure, as I moved forward in my early forties, it would be my own weiner that would be causing me problems. Late night commercials, Bob Dole, and Rush Limbaugh's airport prescription woes had me firmly believing that the hard part of getting the groove on in middle-age would be my own weiner, Not NY's weiner.

First, I just wanna say, I love Anthony Weiner, and hope he does not go away, at least not prematurely. He's my single favorite congressman, (well, second, after the sublimely delusional Michelle Bachmann) and his sense of humor and sarcasm make for the best show on C-Span.

Then he sent a picture of his junk in his drawers to a woman down the street.
Damn it, Weiner! That's a soft-headed thing to do. How could you have armed the moronic minions on the right with a tool like this. There will obviously be mounds of jokes and comments, and they will be piercing. The pen is, after all, mightier that the sword.

Damn it, Weiner, Why?
Why couldn't this have happened to Boehner (yeah, whatever D-bag, sure it's pronounced "Bay-ner")