Although nothing has been recently published to the contrary, you can rest assured, gentle reader, that the staff at FPPInternational didn't all die in a horrific grease fire, nor were they exterminated when innocently driving past an exploding meth-lab/trailer in Waterville. All in all, things are fine in Washington/Fpplandia, albeit a tad boring, which will possibly explain the lack of recent updates.
But still, stuff has been going on.
For example...
Team FPPInternational climbed up come rocks.
Team FPPInternational recently took in some local culture.
Team FPPInternational recently eulogized the death of a dirty, messy old pal.
All in all, life is slow, too damn slow, but not terminated. So stop yer worrying. Things'll get exciting soon, as they always do in this part of the world, when the rains set in.