Wednesday, April 29, 2009


From The Seattle Times

Arrest over Craigslist sex-and-death ad

A Craigslist ad seeking a woman willing to have sex and be killed led police to arrest a Kent man when he showed up at a hotel with a length of chain and a knife.

I have always found Craigslist low-tech approach kinda creepy, like a really cheap porn magazine. Reading the article, the detail that I liked the most was that the ad was found in an area called "Casual Encounters." Wow. What the hell kinda requests do people post in "Intense Encounters?" Haiku:

Poor John Wayne Gacy,
You wore that clown suit thirty

years pre - internet.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bogota Dreams 2

Ok, ten days have passed since the editors at NewsCorp returned to the sunny environs of BQ from the rain-soaked chill of The Capital.

Waiting for dog biscuit delivery

There is very little to note other than the frequency and diversity of diversions engaged-in by the editors. A couple nice moments: (1) Hailing a cab in The Candelaria, in an attempt to go bowling. When CDVeston explained where the bowling alley was, in what part of town, the cabdriver replied, "I won't take my car down there at night." Hmmmmmm, is bowling really necessary? Nonetheless, we bowled, CDVeston besting yours truly for the high score. (In defense of my less-than-stellar performance, I must inform that the floor was just too sticky, and my shoes really really smelled bad).

hop skip

So bowling, great. Also, (2) the food we had at the bowling alley merits comment. It was a giant platter covered with grilled beef and chicken, french fries, boiled little round potatoes, patacones, popcorn, and, underneath it all, we were to discover, lettuce. It wasn't too bad, as long as one didn't eat the beef. Plus, for me anyway, there's something a tad grungy about eating food while periodically sticking three of one's fingers in holes (in this case the thumb is a finger) that were drilled into a green Lucite (or whatever) sphere some forty years ago, holes that have had more fingers in them than Madonna, in a part of town where cabdrivers refuse to go and where hairy-bellied transvestite prostitutes ply their trade in miniskirts while it coldly drizzles rain onto the dirty street. No-one brought handy-wipes.

Sweet ride

We also went bike riding. And hit some museums. You know, tourist stuff.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


The only thing on the news that has nothing to do with the Global economic meltdown.

Somali pirates seize another boat

Somali pirates have hijacked a tugboat in the Gulf of Aden with 16 crew members on board - 10 of them Italians.

Maritime industry sources say the tug was towing two barges at the time of the attack at 0800 GMT. The crew are said to be unharmed.

When will Chuck Norris
Finally release his "Chuck

Fights the Pirates" film?

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Bogota Dreams 1

For spring break, the editors of FppInternational made a pilgrimage to the capital city. The mountain holdout was invaded by a plethora of BQers past and present and the spirit of the Port of Gold was delivered into the storied crumbling majesty of the Candelaria.

Although the trip started with a massive whimper, the fun out of the sun overtook the disaster of the diplomats and all went, eventually, well.
Museums were visitied, and parks and famous site stuff and churches and Dunkin Doughnuts and a nutty meat palace.

Check out my new apartment

All in all, the trip was a rocking great beginning to the most recent April, And the Editors at FppInternational have become converts to the pleasures of cold, rainy weather. More to come.
