The trip started off with a detour to the Totumo mud volcano. I have heard of this thing for years and never gone. Luckily, the day we went must have been "take your ____ to the mud volcano"-day, cause it was really crowded. Lots of people in the old mud volcano. Imagine a small swimming-pool/large hot-tub sized pool of gray-thick tepid mud, stuffed with thirty or forty people you do not know or trust, including children, who, worldwide, pee in swimming pools.
We had sweet sweet showers as soon as we got to Cartagena, but the grit got into places a toothbrush and some lava (soap) could not reach.

After that, cartagena time, and playa blanca, before everyone boarded planes and escaped, unscathed, to the land of milk, honey and a freezing winter. Thanks for coming down, folks, see you soon. safe trips.