Anyway, I came back to Colombia, moved, started work, got engaged, uhhhh, went to the gym a couple times, ate at a new Sushi place, bought a couple houseplants.
The trills never end.

Although the exchange rate is going to hell (how can that be, when the US economy is in the toilet?), I am still plugging away down here in Colombia, where my time is filled with avoiding responsibility, napping and avoiding over-indulgence.
I haven't even purchased a new shirt or anything in a while. Life is sometimes like that, I guess. But I am still alive.

Oh, Yeah, I did sing some Sinatra with a little jazz/salsa group at a fancy-schmancy restaurant recently. I am sure my performance was about as thrilling as this here little update. More soon. I hope. Really. Sorry. Please do not live vicariously through me.