Happy New Year. I just got back from a diverting time away from the city. La Flaca and I took a little trip to Tayrona National park, which, in case you are uninitiated, is about as close to Giligan's Island as you can get around here, or around there, for the most part (unless you are in Hawaii or Fiji or some such BS).
Regardless of how you look at it, For a two and a half hour trip (or less by car, up to four or five if you travel by one of the many ridiculously crappy buses available here in Colombia), Tayrona is a nice little trip option for the 2nd of January. I must admit I sometimes take these trips just to think about what my similar options might be back home. Spokane, WA, maybe? hmmmmm.
Tayrona was absolutely full of people though, Europeans and Colombians from the interior (this means people not from the coast, so they are generally paler, quieter, more polite, and less likely to throw garbage on the ground than your average Costeno). So La Flaca and I only stayed a few nights, before returning to the Colombian capital of Carnaval and Hot Dogs.
Ah, there is no dress code at Tayrona. La Flaca wouldn't allow me to take a picture of the model sunbathing next to us covered only by the smallest of g-strings and some green paint on her nipples, but I did get a pic of this nice thong couple walking up the beach. Judging by the fellow's tan line there, this ain't the first time he has been out in a thong.
So, when you get ready for your winter getaway, consider Tayrona, and pack a bunch of thongs, cause I guess you don't want to wear the same one day after day after day.