Welcome to the Fremont Summer Solstice Parade, which of course is preceded by hundreds of Nude Cyclists. Chili, Strandito and I spent the Saturday nearest the longest day of the year where we were supposed to be, Fremont.
I have very little else to add. I drank too much to really report the event as acurately as I should have. Bad FPPInternational.
Well, for the people scoring at home, it is official: I successfully made it from Barranquilla to Seattle, with nary a hitch.
So an evening was spent at some crappy bar (Earl's) on the Ave after dining at Schultzy's. The drinks at Earl's were cheap and strong. The team suggested that I convolesce my throat with whiskey, which I did, having three "shots" one shot equalling something like six ounces.We countered this thursday night stupidity with Friday night at the newly opened UltraLounge in Bellevue. Better looking waitstaff, much more expensive and watered down libations.Back into the swing, I thinkbesos flac
Our man Chris Mohney and the lovely Lisa Brill united their biological, social and political powers Saturday, in an event shrowded in mystery and cake.
I was present, covering the event for FPPInterational, as our features editor Liliana Gomez was on assignment in Swaziland. Having known the groom since he was a wee little pickle jumping rope on the street corner in his short pants and suspenders, I was particualrly joyfilled and teary-eyed at the actual wedding. But nothing says "dry up and get on with your life" like alcohol. So I got drunk and the remembrance of my sad lost childhood disappeared behind a fog of confussion and dancefloor acrobatics. Lisa was cool, calm and classy: Chris said the right words, wore a green bowtie and paraded the dancefloor like a peacock. The rest of us just watched and guessed what might be in the punch we were drinking.

Welcome back to the USA, Fpp, the sign said in front of the Capitol, next to the one about some guy having been molested by John Kerry.