OK, this post has nothing to do with Love In The Time Of Cholera, shooting in nearby Cartagena (Although, technically, the book is based here in BQ, although Garcia Marquez never actually says the name of the city, but he does refer to it as "the city on the Rio Magdalena," which makes it BQ, not Cartagena). No matter, cause Hollywood has brought BQ into the spotlight recently with both Michael Douglas' trip up Sutherland's Keifster The Sentinel and Michael Mann's Miami Vice having references to BQ. In MV, Crocket and Tubbs actually cross the Carribean to pay a visit.

Now, I haven't seen Miami Vice yet, but I am happy to report that in The Sentinel the "Barranquilla Cartel" is mentioned a minimum of five times. By the way this movie is crappy. Wow! Surprise.
Anyway, the best part of Mike's Douglaction flick is the fact that I was watching it amid the company of the cartel themselves, not unlike the time i caught the news about the Seattle Jack-in-the-Box EColi scare on a tv at a Jack-in-the-Box in Seattle.
so go rent "The Sentinel," and help MD pay for his viagra and have an Aguila everytime the cartel is mentioned.
By the way, as far as I can assertain, there is no "Barranquilla Cartel, " but I for one, am willing to begin building.

and this bonus pic is what first came up when i google image searched "sentinel"