Home Improvements
I finally got back to BQ to discover that La Flaca had purchased me the two gifts that refusing to stop giving: a coconut monkey and a negrita nalgona. Placing them amongst my mess produced objections about how I live in a state of disorden (disorder, messiness)
(and I had only been in country for an hour and a half or so.) Be that as it may, I decided to build a bookcase, even though my cache of books is right pitiful. Nonetheless, I took some measurements, made some drawings and took a trip to Home Center and purchased me some pine, screws, varnish, and got to sticking stuff together.
I chose to basically build the thing in two parts and stick the two parts together, which worked out pretty well. My favorite part of this is that the picture of the two parts has funky lines in it, which I will interpret for you.
These lines signify that FPP's trusty Minolta Dimage finally crapped the hell out, as far as I can tell, forever, and has become a piece of useless tin with PrintClub photos on it. So the last couple pics are from the Panasonic camcorder, which does not capture quite the pics that the minolta did, but at least the little lights start a-glowing when i hit the "on" button.Life goes on for everyone except el Minolta. So things got all screwed together and the stuff has started getting sorted out on the bookcase.
If you have any suggestions as to what a civilized person puts on a bookcase lemme know.
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