Since I got a new coconut monkey and a bookcase, I suppose it can be extrapolated that I made it back home after being away for a month or so (35 grueling days). And nothing makes the experince more Grueling than airports. I hate nearly all of them, none more than Chicago's O'Hare. From June 20th to July 25th, I spent significant time in BAQ (twice), MIA (twice), DIA, SEA (twice), ORD (nine hateful hours), and YYZ (twice). First of all, I would think a city the size of Toronto could get a better code, but I guess you can't have that tall pointy thing, the sky-dome AND an easy airport code. So I spent a lot of time in airports, I read a bunch [a Johnny Cash bio, a Bukowski novel (Post Office) and a bio of Ghengis Khan], and I watched a bunch of TV on my computer. Computers have now made airports (even Chicago's) bearable. But only because Deadwood exists. I am not a fan of the TV. I think it is generally really fucking stupid, and I don't own one and haven't really watched the thing with any regularity since Monica Lewinsky was the main news story. And when I do see what other people watch on it, I do not miss the idiocy of the thing, (although I am often drawn to the damn thing like a mosquito.) I have never seen a minute of the Sopranos, nor American Idol, nor Survivor, and have promised to aviod them like the plague. But I have seen Deadwood, as a matter of fact I just finished the second season and if all of TV were as good as this stuff, I would sleep with the damn machine. And although it may not be the best thing to watch with your grandmother (unless she like hearing the words "cocksucker" and "cunt" alot), it is without a doubt the best goddamn cocksucker of a show i have ever seen. All I want to do now is grow up to be an Al Swearengen stooge: get slapped around, cut people's throats, drink whiskey for breakfast, and shout the most outlandishly perfect lines of dialogue that have ever been written for TV. Bonanza times The Godfather plus MacBeth times a porno movie, how could you not love this fucking cocksucker?
Amen, brother!
I was watching this recently with LB and marveling, as usual, at the outrageously complicated dialogue spoken by even the lowliest hillbilly. So I said, "I'm afraid I lack the conversational acuity to defend myself from argumentative injury in that universe," which I immediately realized was exactly the sort of thing someone in Deadwood might say. Of course, I'd need to add "Cocksucker" to the end of that.
old but relevant
I think my favorite lines come from EB Farnham.
"Avoid looking left as you exit if idolotry offends."
"Allow me a moment of silence, Mr. Hearst. Sir, I am having a digestive crisis and must focus on suppressing its expression."
Gold miners and thugs talked real good in 1877
Or, "Where is your lair, that I may beard you?"
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