Friday, January 15, 2010

News Haikus 17. The Haitian Spin

Sorry to actually post something from these idiots, but...

O'Reily wants to know what China has donated. The Chinese were the first nation to respond when this thing went down. They had aid workers on the ground in Haiti in hours, beating the American response team by about an hour. I am not saying the Chinese are the greatest things since sliced pie, but why does everything with these dipshits (O'Reilly & Rush, not the Chinese) have to boil down into a contest ending with "America beats everyone, but Obama still apologizes to the world?"

Ah, Rush, you make O'Reilly look sane. "Three days. And when he came out, after those three days, he was clearly irritated that he had to do it. He didn't want to do it."

or "He lives for serving those in misery."
How in the hell did a bastard who helps people in need ever get elected President of the United States?

Something Rush doesn't seem to get...
What Exactly was Obama supposed to say about a failed plane bombing? What he supposed to threaten to find the rest of the guy's pants and burn them too? The Christmas pants-burning terrorist attempt was OVER within seconds. There's not much a US President can do once the event is already over.
Rush and his cronies seem to like presidents who make grandiose statements about stuff they can do nothing about (see George W. Bush), instead of presidents who respond to events that can be responded to. Anyone remember Katrina? Remember Bush's 'response'?
No one was in danger of being blown up from the Nigerian pants burner two minutes after he tried to blow up the plane, which leads me to believe that some knee-jerk response to such an event is ineffectual, unnecessary and probably, way too late anyway; whereas, people are still in the rubble down there in Haiti (up there for the staff at FPPInternational), and this merits a timely response.

And, by the way, how nations respond to calamities can be checked...

And, by the way, Haiti isn't the only natural disaster in recent times, check out Cuba on this one, and Djibouti, they offered 50,000 bucks to Katrina relief. Djibouti. They don't have $50,000.

And from even deeper down the nutjob tank

My favorite line there is "They got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you, if you get us free from the French.' True story. And the Devil said, 'Ok.'"


Rush Responding to
Haitian 'quake is like a Don
Rickles Eulogy.

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