I just discovered that http://www.chrismohney.com exists. which means, of course, that our man in the UES has accomplished something pretty spectacular: his own eponymous .com thingy on the world wide web . So, for those of you scoring at home, as plato said, "A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men."
... of course, plato also like groping little boys, (mohney too)(lemme explain that: mohney also likes to grope little boys, not plato also groped mohney)
mohney was on CNN with some eggheads talking post-modern culture.
'bout time
I am so glad to see that photo again, among the many possible humiliating choices you could have used.
these words do not fit together in even a word jumble, let alone any sort of puzzle or word search
BTW, senor mohney
can't i leave no comments on yer fancy schmancy chrismohney.com there?
In that picture you got cameras on robots and I can't leave a fucking comment?
Nope, no comments. The robots will not permit it.
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