I have officially made it back to the USA, and to celebrate, I went north to Canada, home of our mortal enemies, the Cannucks. Luckily, I had a disguise in my rental car and drank beer so no one could tell me apart from those evil, queen-loving villains. I attended a wedding and spoke some Japanese with a gaggle of girls from the land of the rising sun who were also in attendence when Ben and Nico tied the proverbial knot.
And there are dogs, too.
hey hey my my, la flaca old now, so get her a piece of piela flaca had a birthday this weekend, so, for the second time in as many days, we made a trip to a place that should not have let us in.
we had a night out at Canta Gallo, the singing rooster (PG version) Karaoke club. I was one of the four in our little group who Karaoked. I didn't know that it would be a competition. I represented our group, and I got second place, I am sure undeservedly. The options for tunes in English was sparse and I sang "Like a Virgin." but enough about me
we had a great time. and la flaca became too old for me to date in style.Happy birthday flacita. besos.
ok, wow, so the year is drawing to an end, so it is time to get a groovin.cdveston is getting the hell out of town and we couldn't let him leave without a little rumba.
the best way to do this is to get some t-shirts made, drink some rum, take over a club like the rico melao, and slowly, almost imperceptibly, get everyone naked
the night went off without a hitch and the funk will last until all the nasty little gringoes return from their places of origin.